Chilean fashion firm Paulita Errázuriz arrives in Spain

The Premium fashion firm Paulita Errázuriz arrives in Spain at the hands of the Chilean creator and designer, who gives the brand its name, after more than five years triumphing in the international fashion scene.

Paulita Errázuriz's collections, with striking, extravagant and timeless designs, in a bohemian and artisanal style and 100% made in Spanish workshops, reflect the inspiration of its designer, who ensures that each piece projects a part of me.i”.

The designs, without pretending to comply with established beauty canons, proclaim the freedom of women and highlight the idea that it is the attitude and personality of each one that makes them succeed.

Paulita Errázuriz, Chilean by birth, designer, stylist and image consultant, was interested in fashion from a very young age, always looking at the freest and most different styles, and studied Design at Sant Martins University in London.

The firm was born in 2015 as a call for freedom and design understood as art, in the words of its designer, to create a new concept of luxury, where everything is possible, without barriers or limitations.”.

Currently, Paulita Errázuriz lives in Chile, but develops her creations in her studio in Barcelona, where she delegates to three workshops the preparation of her designs and the search for the highest quality materials in Europe, as well as the reuse of the leftover scraps of her collections to turn them into unique applications of your designs.

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